
CREATE: Six Artists, Six Chefs, One Canvas

Lovesick Cafe is back like a heart attack...only you might really have one this time. Check out the event June 3rd @ the BCAE. All you need to know.


Monkeys at FCi Boston

!ND!ES spent the night hanging with some naked monkeys and dudes in suits as part of FCi's group show "FOUND: art at FCi". The display will be up in the FCi Boston office all summer.  Details Here


Parachuting Penguins

After an awesome weekend of great food, Long Trail, and all the school chocolate milk we desired, !ND!V!DUALS completed its latest installation "What Goes Down..." If you want to check out the work or  you ever decide to go back to school Billy Madison style, try Hartford High School up in Vermont.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase Complete

Dom rockin the choco milk so hard.